Large Integer Representation

Tofuri has created a specialized integer data type that has the ability to store very large numbers with fixed precision, while minimizing storage usage. This custom integer is designed to efficiently represent values with high precision, using a smaller amount of memory.

The custom integer operates by dividing the number into smaller integers, each representing a specific digit or group of digits. These smaller integers are then saved in a fixed-size array, with each array element representing a specific digit or group of digits in the larger number.

By adopting this approach, Tofuri is able to save large numbers with high precision using a relatively small amount of memory. This is because the custom integer only stores the necessary digits, rather than reserving memory for all possible digits, as is common with traditional integer data types.

Filename: tofuri/int/src/

use std::num::ParseIntError;
use tofuri_core::*;
pub enum Error {
pub fn to_be_bytes(uint: u128) -> AmountBytes {
    if uint == 0 {
        return [0; AMOUNT_BYTES];
    let bytes = uint.to_be_bytes();
    let mut i = 0;
    for byte in bytes {
        if byte != 0 {
        i += 1;
    let size = 15 - i;
    let mut output = [0; AMOUNT_BYTES];
    for (j, v) in output.iter_mut().enumerate().take(AMOUNT_BYTES) {
        let k = i + j;
        if k == 16 {
        *v = bytes[k];
    output[AMOUNT_BYTES - 1] = (output[AMOUNT_BYTES - 1] & 0xf0) | size as u8;
pub fn from_be_slice(slice: &[u8; AMOUNT_BYTES]) -> u128 {
    let size = slice[AMOUNT_BYTES - 1] as usize & 0x0f;
    let mut bytes = [0; 16];
    for (i, v) in slice.iter().enumerate().take(AMOUNT_BYTES) {
        let j = 15 - size + i;
        if j == 16 {
        if i == AMOUNT_BYTES - 1 {
            bytes[j] = v & 0xf0;
        bytes[j] = *v;
pub fn floor(uint: u128) -> u128 {
pub fn to_string(uint: u128) -> String {
    let mut string = format!("{}{}", "0".repeat(DECIMAL_PLACES), uint);
    string.insert(string.len() - DECIMAL_PLACES, '.');
    string = string
    if string.starts_with('.') {
        let mut s = "0".to_string();
        string = s;
    if string.is_empty() {
pub fn from_str(str: &str) -> Result<u128, Error> {
    let (mut string, diff) = match str.split_once('.') {
        Some((a, b)) => {
            let mut string = a.to_string();
            (string, DECIMAL_PLACES - b.len())
        None => (str.to_string(), DECIMAL_PLACES),
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    fn test_encode() {
        assert_eq!([1, 0, 0, 8], to_be_bytes(0x10000000000000000));
    fn test_decode() {
        assert_eq!(0x10000000000000000, from_be_slice(&[1, 0, 0, 8]));
    fn test_decode_max() {
            from_be_slice(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff])
    fn test_to_string() {
        assert_eq!("10.01", to_string(10_010_000_000_000_000_000));
        assert_eq!("1", to_string(1_000_000_000_000_000_000));
        assert_eq!("10", to_string(10_000_000_000_000_000_000));
        assert_eq!("0.1", to_string(100_000_000_000_000_000));
        assert_eq!("0", to_string(0));
    fn test_from_string() {
        assert_eq!(10_010_000_000_000_000_000, from_str("010.010").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(1_000_000_000_000_000_000, from_str("1").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(10_000_000_000_000_000_000, from_str("10").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(10_000_000_000_000_000_000, from_str("10.").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(10_000_000_000_000_000_000, from_str("10.0").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(100_000_000_000_000_000, from_str(".1").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(0, from_str("0").unwrap());